Young Minds Are Hurting – here’s how to help your child’s perceptions


Today I met a young boy with his mother who wished to have a general blood pressure reading as he felt dizzy on standing and wanted to see if he was ok. His Mum attended with him and I could see this beautiful boy had some health issues which included anxiety and prepubescent hormonal changes amongst others.

Problem was he also googled his issues and was catastrophising his health issues compounding his anxiety, raising his blood pressure.

We showed him how powerful his mind was when given certain tools to reduce anxiety and his perception of that stress.

It’s so sad to know our innocent children are anxious, stressed and are on medications dumbing them down and suppressing the vibrant light inside! What comes to mind are genetics including poor detox pathways, poor nutritional health and scientifically evaluated poor microbiome adding to “dirty” blood flow into the brain.

Chatting lightly with this lovely boy and being jovial about white coat anxiety,  his blood pressure reading was high for a boy of his age so we repeated after a short psych-k session of mindfulness and retested.

Instant reduction of the second reading and some wise words as a trained facilitator of this beautiful process, with added naturopathic natural stress medicines and advice for Mum and him, and they were on their way with big smiles and massive thanks!

It’s simple to help people change their perceptions of stress and this assists the reduction of heart rate and overall health and well-being.

I am passionate about helping our children – the mind is a powerful tool given the right fuel and tools…


PSYCH-K®️ is safe, powerful, effective and peaceful and be facilitated online or in person.

Try a 30 minute PSYCH-K session here 


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