What is Auto Immune Disease?

The bucket filleth up.

What really underlies an early or advanced Autoimmune process?
We know it is driven by inflammation. But what are the drivers of that inflammation?
I find it is rarely one driver.
While treating symptomology can provide relief, I find addressing the why(s) of inflammation help to create lasting change.
Patience, persistence and small steps along the way add up to a new path. A quieting of chaos on multiple levels. And then there is the mind and manifestation of dis-ease via unconscious messages to our cells.
One cannot heal in a stressful state.

There is gold to be found in each person’s story when unfolded with patience and grace.

Physiology, emotional stability, and centeredness in community and a sense of belonging. This is where personalized wellness is becoming the new healthcare. A beautiful blend of complimentary natural healthcare and in many cases, conventional science, genetic nutrtional matching for areas like the MTHFR gene and other genes associated with leaky gut and poor toxin removal leading to th very issues confronting rheumatology practitioners who have serious drugs like corticosteroids as their only answer. Natural and functional medicine is a bridge across the aisle. Empowering patients with the knowledge of their own bodies, minds and choices.

PSYCH-K®️ for healing

Mind Body understanding is paramount to forgiveness, love, gratitude and ultimate healing.

People helping people help each other.

Life is here to learn and fulfill all your wishes.
Michelle works with all sorts of health complaints and invites you to spend a short chat with her tiff  you would like to undertake a health transformation.

Get in touch with Naturopath Michelle here!

Watch the mini webinar Michelle presented during Covid supporting health and frontline workers via her You Tube channel. Subscribe and share for more educational workshops online.

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