If you have been thinking of having Biofeedback done and want to take advantage of this unique discounted price for the New Year…now is the time.
Until the end of January 26th, you can have a Biofeedback session at $130 (normally $160) as a way to help you bring in more information to assist your kick start your NEW YEAR HEALTH.
Officially, the Cyberscan allows us to understand where your bodies’ stressors are stored and I then naturally prepare 2 dropper bottles of specifically made natural medicines ($34 each) help to improve the cells ability to “see” the stressors and remove them. I have had many successes and much insight into people’s bodies’ with the use of this device and want to introduce it to the NEW YEAR NEW YOU PROGRAMME at this VERY special rate.
Jump on if you are keen and I will show you what your body has been missing until now!
heres the link.. [inbound_button font_size=”20″ color=”#c8232b” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”thumbs-up” url=”http://michellecronenaturopath.com.au/product/biofeedback-newyearnewyou-exclusive-offer/?preview_id=1224&preview_nonce=d327a14e33&_thumbnail_id=974&preview=true” width=”” target=”_blank”]Yes Please! Reserve me a Biofeedback session! [/inbound_button]
While you are here, you may also want to join me a hundreds of others in my HEAL THEE WEBINARS. Just click the link to sign up. They are getting full now so don’t miss out!
Yours in light and health,