Complementary Medicine Consultations
- One on one professional consultations subsidised if you have private health fund rebates, within “The Precinct” building on Greenhill Road.
- SKYPE consultations available by appointment only. Please contact me if you are in a rural area or need help to get to a consultation.
Please note that some health funds only accept face to face appointments.
- Cyberscan The most advanced technology in the world uses Tesla coils and scalar waves to measure and then communicate the body’s imbalances.
In-Clinic Screening and Testing Services
- Integrated Testing (Urine, Salivary, Blood tests, Heavy Metal, Metabolic testing, and Comprehensive Stool Analysis)
- MTHFR & Methylation testing: Epigenetic lifestyle and education regarding how your internal biochemistry works, MTHFR genetics, methylation pathway. Learn how to understand how your epigenetics & biochemistry. Many people ask about this gene and what supplement is best to take. Michelle takes a different stance with this and regardless of the status of your MTHFR test, Michelle encompasses all of your health history assessing your whole health rather than just treating a single gene mutation. Please make sure you are looking at the big picture with your health not just compartmentalizing symptoms. This is the biggest hurdle our community faces with longevity and a band aid approach is not the long term answer to your health issues…feels good but generally does not last.
- Collaborative referrals to your GP for further functional testing as required.

Welcome to the Evolution of Consciousness
Civilization, as we know it, is in the process of making a monumental shift in human consciousness of which we are all playing a part, consciously and subconsciously. Every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional, is being profoundly affected. Using PSYCH-K®, you can help to positively direct this change. PSYCH-K allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life, as a spiritual being having a human experience. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K

“When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!”
Nutritional Services

Personalized and Individual Nutrition
ONLINE support using VICTUS HEALTH Programme
Linking you to your Naturopath’s recipes, in your home.
The health of the GUT plays a massive role in the overall health battles we face. Just because we poop doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Assessing the stool via one of many integrative stool testing laboratories is currently one of the most effective methods to really understand what is harbouring in your gut. Signs and symptoms play a huge part of the overall assessment and support Michelle provides and now runs many programmes focussed on personalised gut healthy recipes and adapting them to your lifestyle. There are also a myriad of specific assessments that may be utilised if needed.
- Food Intolerance testing: Integrative Pathology testing for ALCAT, IgG, IgE and specific tests for food intolerances.
- Biocompatibility Testing: Cyberscan Biofeedback using Tesla scalar wave technology
- Nutritional Programmes adapted to you: Michelle is a 2016 GAPS Certified Practitioner with the MINDD Foundation, SIBO Qualified Practitioner, Gut Health Mastermind Certified and is an expoert in genetic biochmistry ( called Nutrigenomics) using DNA based Nutrition to recover your gut health and restore a balanced functional gut and healthy inner terrain microbiome.
- SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth): Michelle is a certified SIBO BiPhasic Diet Practitioner and uses comprehensive nutritional stool analysis if needed to improve your gut health from the inside out. Having studied extensively, with worlds leading laboratories and gut health Masterclasses, the gut is ALWAYS the centre of Michelle's attention.
If any of these are of Nutritional Services are of interest to you and you are ready for Michelle to help you discover and
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Michelle also admins several important SUPPORT GROUPS for specific complementary medicine approaches to whole person health.
You will need to answer the questions before being joined.